How are you feeling after all the holiday eating and drinking?
Four days into the New Year, I've noticed that I don't have a big appetite and that light meals and soups are my preference.
I'm going to do my best to honor that preference, not by going on a diet or doing a cleanse but by simply paring back and making simpler meals.
Eggs make terrific, light meals. And I have access to free- range eggs at the moment so I've been creating delicious, uncomplicated, egg-based meals these past few days.
Light and nourishing, full of omega 3's, eggs with the addition of a side of braised winter greens (pic below) and a small bowl of rice, potatoes or pasta is sufficient for a simple lunch or dinner.
Last summer I posted a recipe for Skillet Egg Souffle with Chives. Today's souffle omelet is much the same, though I've given it a different name and left out the chives, since they're not in season, and added a little grated Parmesan instead.

1) Allowing 2 eggs per person, crack and separate eggs --yolks into one bowl and whites into another.
2) Beat yolks until creamy. If you do have any windowsill herbs like tarragon, sage or thyme, you might like to add some chopped fresh herbs to the yolks.
3) Using clean and dry beaters, beat whites till they're stiff. Pour whites onto yolks and either using a spatula or whisk fold the whites into the yolks.
4) Heat a skillet lined with light olive oil till it's hot; pour the egg mix into the skillet -- you only want to brown the bottom slightly so a few minutes on the hot plate is plenty.
5) Sprinkle salt and ground pepper and grated Parmesan over the top of the omelet.
6) Put the skillet into a 350-degree oven for about 5-7 mins or until the omelet has risen like a souffle and browned slightly (pic to left).

Halve or quarter the omelet and serve with sides such as wilted winter greens (pic left) or baby winter spinach leaves tossed into olive oil and lemon juice (pic above), and a side of hash browns.
If this meal sounds bland to you, consider serving a spoon of salsa, tomato chutney, relish, sauerkraut, or a dill pickle with your souffle omelet.
If this meal sounds bland to you, consider serving a spoon of salsa, tomato chutney, relish, sauerkraut, or a dill pickle with your souffle omelet.
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