Friday, March 20, 2009

Red Curry & Coconut Milk Shrimp

This is a fabulously easy and tasty dish that can be whipped up in minutes.

Using ingredients from the shopping list I posted yesterday, here's the method ....

Red Curry & Coconut Milk Shrimp
1) Chop an onion (or several spring onions) and toss in a pan with olive oil and some garlic. Saute on medium till onion is transparent.
2) Add a teaspoon of Thai Red Curry Paste (or more, depending on how spicy you like your food).
3) Wash several leaves of red chard, trim woody stems off then chop into pieces. Add to pan, along with a handful of whole or halved, grape tomatoes.
4) I added a yellow bell pepper, though they're not on this week's grocery list, but if you have a yellow pepper or even carrot, add it for the color.
5) Toss in a half bag of thawed Whole Catch Pink Shrimp or the whole bag, depending on how 'shrimpy' you want to make this dish. Stir around and coat shrimp and veggies with curry paste and onions.
6) Pour in a can of coconut milk and lightly simmer for about 10-15 mins.

To Serve: Spoon curry over boiled rice, or noodles, or even over toast if you can't be bothered cooking rice. Top with chopped cilantro and the juice from half a lemon or lime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Louise,
We tried your coconut milk/curry recipe with chicken instead of shrimp. Ooo ooo ooo so good

Steve & Ande :)

(Louise is posting this on behalf of Steve & Ande)