Friday, June 12, 2009

Market to Mouth Video Pilot

Several weeks ago, I mentioned my intention to bring Market to Mouth to life in a video pilot -- well, here it is, available for viewing in HD on Market to Mouth's YouTube channel and onVimeo.

The production crew shot footage in the kitchen of the show's guest, Julie, and at Whole Foods Market in Boulder, CO.

Next week on this blog, I'll be featuring a guest whose situation is quite ing contrast to my last guest, Amy Menell. Where Amy's grocery budget is for a family of 6-7, Cindy, is an empty-nester.

Cindy has two grown boys, both of whom have girlfriends, and all the kids have big appetites. But as of this year, both boys are no longer living at home - they moved out. And they took the dog!

Cindy is now on her own for the first time in 25 years and she's having to learn how to shop and cook for just one. I'll be blogging about how she's adjusting to the challenge.

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